Monday, 17 September 2012

We Don't Have The Right To Decide...

Human can sometimes be so weird... We look at ourselves in the mirror nearly every day but we can still get puzzled with who's in the mirror. We don't know much more about ourselves than others do!
 We stand there in front of the mirror, staring at ourselves just like two people meeting for the first time.
            I once heard someone saying: "Inside each person's heart there is a box which only belongs to us and this box is where we keep everything that we consider as deep dark secrets. However, sometimes not even that person him/herself would know how to open that box and fix what is inside." 

We sometimes hold on to our feelings a little too tight and too long! Sometimes not even us.. know whether we still have those feelings or did we just simply got used to saying that we do. Time could help us heal but could also take away something that is important to us.

"When we have learnt how to let go, then that is when you really understand who you really are. Some people use their whole life to learn how to let go but there are also those who only need half of their life time to learn it. How long it takes isn't being decided by ourselves but by God and time."

Friday, 7 September 2012

Return To Reality!

Ever since when I was young airport was like my heaven because all I could remember is that whenever I go to an airport it then means I am going back to my home, a place full of my happiness! However, as days goes by, as I started to age and as my thoughts started to change... everything changed.
       Someone once told me that: "When you are young everything seems to be very far away because your legs could only walk one step wide at a time whereas, adults could walk two... three steps wide at a time!"
Airport was no longer my heaven anymore, in fact.... sometimes it makes me feel like I'm in hell. The feeling of leaving my love ones behind hurts so bad that my heart feels like it's been ripped apart into millions of little piece.

The amount of excitement going to back home can make me scream so loud, it could even hurt my throat afterwards but the excitement seems to cure everything... every single thing. But, like everything else feelings won't last forever and holidays won't too...  
My dreams has ended, it's time to return to reality!

Monday, 3 September 2012

"Start Each Day With A Smile!"

"Compared to other people in this world with the same age, you are already very lucky because you have everything you wish for."

We never wish for less but simply wishes for more and more because in our own heart greed is bigger than anything in our life. We never see the world clearly because we are always controlled and blinded by our own greed!
Whereas, some people who aren't blinded by their greed would wish for something so simple, a true smile from others to them or on their own face. Because sometimes being rich can't buy you happiness but being poor & normal will make you happy!

"Start Each Day With A Smile!"...., not everyone in this world could do that and fully understand the meaning and purpose of this saying.